#PMJA2024 Schedule

  • Audience Day with NPR
    NPR Conference Center
  • Decreasing uncertainty: Demystifying science and statistics for local reporting
    NPR Conference Center
  • Peer Editing, a toolkit to grow editing capacity in newsrooms
    NPR Conference Center
  • Community engagement tactics for a rural/large coverage area
  • Innovative Engagement in the lead-up to the 2024 election
  • Quick Talks
  • Crap in? Credible out: Getting the best sound from not-so-great audio
  • Editorial Ethics in the age of AI
  • How to diversify newsrooms in your community
  • Covering Elections and Election Lies
  • How to Adapt Reporting for Vertical Video
  • Instagram: Your station's second homepage
  • Legal resources for reporters covering campaigns and elections
  • Mental Health (API) General Session
  • Audience Engagement
  • How to do the non-narrated story: Find another way to cover that story.
  • Why every public radio station needs a state government reporter
  • Connect your local newsroom authentically with Black communities
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Keeping track
  • Disaster Coverage
  • make politics boring (again): outfoxing AI, deepfakes & the nationalization of local politics
  • Telling Political Stories that Inspire Hope and Action
  • Newsroom Wellness
  • How to work with NPR for elections
  • Not Your Average Photography Session
  • A presentation by or Q-and-A with public radio consultant/thinker Eric Nuzum
  • Finding the Science in Local News: Election Season and Beyond

#PMJA2024 Sponsors

  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting
    Corporation for Public Broadcasting
    401 9th St NW
    Washington, DC 20004
  • National Public Radio
    National Public Radio
    1111 N Capitol St.
    Washington, DC 20002
  • Google News Initiative
    Google News Initiative
  • Knight Foundation
    Knight Foundation
    2850 Tigertail Ave. Suite 600
    Miami, FL 33133
  • Report For America
    Report For America
    10 Guest Street
    Boston, MA 02135
  • SciLine
    1200 New York Avenue Northwest
    Washington, DC 20005-3928
  • Podfly
  • Current
    4400 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest Suite LL05
    Washington, DC 20016-8122
    United States